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International Petition Campaign

International Petition Campaign

International Petition Campaign

• Correct the terminology “COVID vaccines” to mRNA technology
• Call for a full moratorium on the “mRNA vaccines”.
• Demand an independent 3rd party investigation into approval and
regulation thereof.

The ‘mRNA vaccines’ are lipid nanoparticle (LNP) encased modified mRNA technology (modRNA). They are not ‘vaccines’, they are genetically modified organisms (GMO) and their use is considered gene therapy. Gene therapy presented as a vaccine is a misrepresentation and it is altering the human DNA.

These products have been synthetically assembled and developed to mimic the virus SARS-CoV-2 mRNA spike protein. After injection, the intention is to elicit antibody formation for immune response to prepare the body for future infection.

The injection does not stay at the inoculation site as officially claimed. Instead, the LNP’s cause biodistribution throughout the body to deliver it’s modRNA cargo to cells where the virus does not normally reach. It inappropriately travels to lymph glands, spleen, kidneys and heart, crosses the blood-brain barrier, reaching the brain and crosses the placenta, reaching the unborn child. These normally protected body locations were not the proclaimed target of the ‘vaccine’.

It neither stops infection nor prevents transmission. Instead, these are gene altering products with a list of serious adverse side effects and long-term consequences still being revealed.

These products have the highest rate of adverse events of any medicine in human history coupled with skyrocketing all-cause mortality rates. ‘Vaccines’ have never before been mandated during pregnancy. We are seeing an exponential rise in miscarriages and stillbirths.

Governments, regulatory authorities and mainstream media censored scientific debate, suppressing crucial data and evidence of functional early treatments.

Call to action:
• Correct the term COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccine’ to mRNA technology platform. Include under this term, modified mRNA products that are currently known to have these contents: lipid nanoparticles, DNA contamination, SV40, undeclared GMOs and others.

• We need independent media and health journalists, lawyers, parents, teachers, politicians and all members of the public to join us. Every responsible and conscious citizen is invited to get involved in this campaign.

• We propose a council of leading scientists and data analysts to do a thorough retrospective safety audit of raw data pertaining to the ‘vaccine’ rollout and consequences, including all data ignored by pharmaceutical companies, their affiliates, and governments.

This is a global emergency like no other in our history.

Our lawful rights to life, health and freedom, are under serious threat.
We face powerful forces causing a worldwide crisis.
Support individuals’ sovereign rights of bodily integrity, and full informed consent to protect the health and safety for all.

We stand united for humanity

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