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I am a psychiatrist doctor for long 37 years and I dedicate myself to health promotion and human development, considering the importance of mental sanity for the autonomy, conscious choices, and the evolution of individuals and society.

At the beginning of my career, only a small part of the population presented severe mental disease (1-3%). But, from the COVID-19 pandemic on, Psychiatry has become a highly relevant specialty in public health, due to the increase in psychiatric cases. And what is behind this phenomenon?

Never, in the history of humanity, has a single order been followed by 7 billion and 800 million people, affecting their thoughts and feelings and changing their behavior, both individual and social, regardless of:

  • Race;
  • Sex;
  • Religion;
  • Nationality;
  • Economic conditions;
  • Marital status;
  • Age; and
  • Professional qualification.

Thus, since March 2020, a psychobehavioral experiment has been in progress on a planetary scale.

In a brief retrospective, the world population has been induced and coerced to lose health conditions. The constitutional rights of citizens from democratic countries have been disrespected. Disproportional measures have been taken, such as “lockdowns” and curfews.

Therefore, in my observation, the vast majority of psychiatric pathologies occurring today, such as depression, phobias, anxiety, and suicides, were triggered, not by the action of the SarsCov-2 virus and its variants in the CNS, but by stressors from the systematic and harmful actions implemented by public managers, supposed medical-scientific authorities, and the mainstream media.

What is the role of the psychiatrist in the 21st century?

In a broader view, Psychiatry deals with symbols, values, verbal and non-verbal expression, customs, culture, and behavior. It is up to the psychiatrist to help society evaluate the historical-political context and the forces that cause harm to mental health and seek to prevent psychopathologies in this post-pandemic period.

And the best tool to seek knowledge is to ask questions: Why is all this being conducted in this way, leading to the worsening of the physical and mental health of people around the world?

Since the WHO Declaration on the pandemic, the strong impact on ordinary citizens has been evident, with dramatic images being constantly broadcast by the media and the inculcation of fear of death, causing collective psychic shock, that is, to a greater or lesser extent, people were traumatized.

The management of the pandemic imposed several stressful elements on the population: loneliness, fear, economic losses, uncertainty about the future, intensified use of technology, and the lie that this viral disease would have a high lethality.

Health terrorism and media brainwashing disqualified immediate treatment with safe, low-cost, effective, and repositioned medicines and made billions of people believe that the only solution was the “vaccine”.

Therefore, these people submitted themselves to the greatest absurdities, which were attributed to them without any basis in Science and Medicine, but in ideological and politicized narratives, whose evident objective is to divide society and chaos the modus vivendi, causing the interruption and setback of civilizing processes achieved so far.

Panicked individuals, afraid of death, were unable to reason lucidly. The fragile society facilitated the imposition of global control.

Given this scenario, a paradox occurred in the practice of Medicine, due to the opposition to its basic principles of saving lives and seeking possible resources to alleviate human suffering.

There was a serious attempt to cancel medical culture.

In this way, the doctor found himself at a crossroads, having to choose between his duty of conscience or acting in accordance with the mass media and medical institutions, whose members often have conflicts of interest.

And the greatest proof of these conflicts was manifested when they allowed the term “vaccine” to be used for a product that does not have the characteristics or functions of traditional vaccines, which were tested at all stages of the long process, that is, for 4 to 10 years, to be approved as immunizers with efficacy and safety for use in humans.

But every act and every omission has consequences. May everyone have the dignity of assuming their responsibility and may those responsible for crimes against humanity be punished at this critical moment in history.

The masks have fallen and it is time for everyone to take the blindfold off their eyes.

I make an analogy, comparing physical health and mental health. Just as each inoculation of these injectable transgenic products is harming the physical body, causing bodily harm, making the immune system more fragile to defend itself, the lies, fallacious narratives, and shocking scenes cause “recurrent post-traumatic stress”, leading to emotional hypersensitivity, to psychic exhaustion, depression, or alienation.

We are now in a cognitive war, where the battlefield is not external, but rather the human mind and disinformation is one of the weapons most used by humanity’s enemies.

Global rulers sow enmity and discord, tear families apart, lie and cause doubts, hiding the truth, making it difficult to make free-will decisions. They do this with great skill and cunning and in an orchestrated way throughout the world. These are manipulation techniques used for decades, which have become much more powerful due to the influence of technology, the internet, and social networks on virtual communication.

However, there are points of light that have emerged and people who discover and bring this to light reveal the facts to each other as we are doing here now.

Information is power.

They are the true heroes of humanity in this dark time we are going through.

Doctors, lawyers, journalists, scientists, and victims of experimental inoculations made the decision to speak out, to expose reality by committing themselves to the Truth.

Pain and suffering also bring the opportunity to overcome, which only occurs when we consciously face the fact that we need to move forward, evolve, in union and with high purpose: we will not submit to fear, lies, domination.

We doctors care with compassion. We, doctors, care and together with our patients, together with the victims of inoculations, we will travel the entire world, showing this reality.

This is not fiction, these are not rare cases, these are not invisible beings.

They are real people, who suffer and who express themselves, and who will not be discarded by the pharmaceutical industry, will not be discarded by governments. They are human beings who will not be despised by society.

We awaken and want to exercise the humanity that we are, that exists in each of us and that will manifest itself increasingly powerful, stronger, more courageous, and more confident in the values that we profess. We promote physical and mental health and reveal the value of Life, Truth, and Freedom.

Dra. Ana Cristina C. Lemos Malheiros – CRMPR 14.380 – RQE 4718

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